Agile Learning Environments and their Benefits over Traditional Classroom Layouts

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For the education sector, one element that learning institutions must prioritise is the condition of their learning environment. A learning environment is a diverse platform where students develop new skills and acquire additional knowledge through varied engagements and interactions.

Compared to the traditional classroom layouts and setup, Agile learning environments often incorporate multiple elements to ensure that students can develop skills and acquire knowledge without any impediments along the way. As for the Tertiary learning institutions, they have to maximise spaces that can enrich the experience of both students and instructors.

A Quick Overview of Agile Learning Environments

A learning environment can mean a lot of things. This specific term may be defined as the primary platform for engagement and interaction, but it does not end with pre-set components that traditional classroom environments often have. It must be able to adapt to the characteristics of the students and the learning and teaching goals of the instructors. It must likewise include activities and strategies that can support, drive, and measure learning. Ultimately, a common culture and flexible concept must be added to the learning space.

All these factors and elements have led to the development of “agile learning” environments. An agile learning environment is an educational platform that utilises adjustable and moveable learning spaces. This specific platform encourages students to collaborate, experiment, and ideate freely, which can be done further by making the physical learning spaces versatile and flexible. Chairs and tables are assured to fit the size of the students, whilst other furniture pieces – Soft Seating, Modular Booth Seating etc, can be configured and moved in just a few minutes, ensuring that all activities and interactions are conducted freely.

Agile Learning Environments and Their Benefits

Multiple learning institutions can expect and experience tons of benefits with the implementation of agile learning environments.

This style of environment encourages students to acquire knowledge and skills in many ways, which is by far different from the ones seen in traditional classroom layouts. A small or large group of students can gather, allowing them to finish projects and activities efficiently. And since flexible physical spaces are present, students can effectively hone their skills and knowledge through practice and repetition all the time.

Additionally, agile learning environments allow institutions to modify their learning environment in just a few minutes. The adjustable and moveable nature of furniture pieces makes it possible for them to create spaces based on the most effective learning and teaching approach. Agile learning environments even utilise technology that can make the learning experience of students more collaborative and interactive. All these benefits allow classrooms and other learning spaces to be more active and dynamic.

Plan, design & implement Agile Learning Environments with Agile-Xtra

Implementing agile learning environments in your learning institutions encourages your students to work collaboratively, build better relationships and communication with others, focus more on creativity, and maintain their interest in learning new things. To alter your spaces into agile learning environments, feel free to contact us at Agile-Xtra. We can work with your existing learning environment to create an agile learning environment that enhances the way your learning centre works and the way your students learn.

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